Welcome to KDW Fine Art - Kim Wilkie's Fine Art Website. Please enjoy looking through the galleries and please contact Kim if your looking turns into buying. You can also take a closer look at a particular artwork in person by making an appointment with me through my contact page. All prices displayed are in Canadian Funds. Click “Artwork for Sale” in the Menu at the top of the page to see a drop down menu with 6 different Galleries. You can click on each image to enlarge and then click the bottom of that image or click on the white dot if you are on your mobile or iPad for the image’s description.
Kim has recently closed the ‘Garage Gallery Benmiller’ in Benmiller Ontario (2022) This was a seasonal gallery where you could see her art in person and also other artists of South Western Ontario. You can go to the events page to see some short videos of each gallery exhibit.
If you have any questions or comments you can email me at kimwilkie513@gmail.com or text me at 519-701-9421. Please do not contact me about website design or SEO fixes.
On the bottom of each page on this website is a running series of images from my instagram page giving an update to what I am painting or doing in my studio, and where I may be exhibiting.
I would like to acknowledge that I reside on land that was originally owned by the Anishabewaki, Adawa (Odawa), and Mississauga Indigenous people. The Treaty that was signed by many Anishinaabek chiefs and was called the Huron Tract Treaty #29 of 1827. For the sovereignty of the indigenous involved in this treaty, I would like to state that this treaty was meant to be a shared stewardship of the land. You can read more Here and Aamjiwnaang. Because I believe that the youth are our future you can support 4Rs a Youth Movement by donation or by helping to sponsor a young person to attend this cross cultural dialogue. If anyone finds any mistakes within this statement please contact me. Thank you.