2 Dimensional Paintings
Artist Statement
I have painted with string and material for more than a decade trying to show some kind of equity of two historical movements; fine art and craft. For the past three years, I have used a sampling of land-fibre under the paint âen plein airâ as a new modality to express the essence of place and a particular time. I enjoy these two modalities and I will continue visit their processes with the ebb and flow of my art practice. As of 2019, I have decided to ad another modality which incorporates drawing and painting. In these artworks, I use the same intuitive mindset as the other modalities to explore what painting means to me.
The 8 Galleries Below are Abstract in Nature.
Gallery A
In the galleries A through D below, I enhance incidental marks with other mediums such as pastel, conte, and pencil. When I engage with the incidental marks a new scene develops with a type of remembering of something familiar. The thought process is difficult to convey but similar to what I do when I paint âEn Plein Air.â A kind of taking in all of what is before me and creating from the senses and intuition. Click the âPlein Airâ to see those images.

Gallery B
Intuitively Inspired Expressions from mark making. These are 3 foot by 3 foot on Canvas.

Gallery b/c

Gallery C
This gallery shows a continued theme of my intuitive process to make paintings. (abstract and a bit surreal) Sizes here are 24 Inches By 24 Inches on masonite, panel or canvas.
![Above the Green Road [UpwithArt2023] $900.00](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55382603e4b09f4577d92005/1589936448580-MGZCX5NR75TG4WNC2VZA/C6954953-6E53-4E81-B579-20CF35464062_1_201_a.jpeg)

Gallery C-
The gallery below are again a smaller version of my 2D paintings - Size 16 X 16 X 1 5/8 Inch Panels.

Gallery D
In this gallery the intuitive paintings are smaller which meant that my painting became tighter and at the same time figuratively simpler. These are 12 inch by 12 inch paintings are on wood and canvas.

Gallery D+
Below some small intuitive surreal paintings acrylic and pencil on masonite. Originally made for the 2020 Miniature Show and Sale at the St. Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre in St. Thomas, Ontario.

Rectangular works below.

Gallery E
These paintings are a type of warming up my intuitive feelings sometimes I do these kinds of paintings just before a series of paintings. These so far in this gallery remind me of wool, and knotted string.

Gallery F
In this gallery I am exploring mark making with paint using paint brushes and pallet knives to explore intuitively this way.