Contact me through this page if you are interested in seeing my art or if you would like to send me a message.
Please do not contact me if you are a website designer or SEO Expert.
Kim Wilkie's artwork can be found at “Shop Museum London” at Museum London, in London, Ontario, as well as the “Garage Gallery Benmiller” next to her studio in Benmiller, Ontario. The Garage Gallery Benmiller is a Seasonal Gallery open from June to the end of September.
You can also text me on my cell phone at 1-519-701-9421 if you would like to come to my studio.
Our address is 80602 Benmiller Line, RR#2, Clinton, Ontario N0M 1L0
This artwork is called “Driving back from Toronto & Conversations” 2019. Acrylic Paint, chalk, pastel, pencil crayon, conte and pencil on canvas. (3 Feet x 3 Feet x 2 Inches Deep) Pricing for this artwork is in Gallery B in 2 D Painting.